jason zelda
'In this video I discus my best understanding of the Chessa Manion case and the outcome of her case, I think many will be surprised at what you see and hear.'
this is a hard one for me to write and words can't describe my frustration in seeing this.
from wbko news: .
bowling green, ky. (wbko) - bowling green police have arrested two people on multiple charges following a rape.. police say the victim told them she was kidnapped, raped, and assaulted.. police also say the rape was recorded by a man named colton hogendorn, who was arrested after police found him on 25 chestnut street.. hogendorn is charged with rape first degree, kidnapping, strangulation, assault, sodomy, and video voyeurism.. police also arrested chessa manion, who was present during the events, and arrested and charged with complicity to the same charges.. both were taken to the warren county regional jail.. .
jason zelda
'In this video I discus my best understanding of the Chessa Manion case and the outcome of her case, I think many will be surprised at what you see and hear.'
One helluva way to kick off the 2024 Service Year.
At least the Elders obeyed the Ungodly Rules when appointing him!
12. A person who has engaged in child sexual abuse does not qualify to receive any congregation privileges or to serve in a position of responsibility in the congregation for decades, if ever. —
i hope the truth about the covid vaccines becomes public knowledge as it does now in australia.
senator malcom roberts tells it all in his speach.
4 - The government lies to us repeatedly about the dangers of covid and about the vaccines.
'government lies to us repeatedly' ...
i want to take a moment to salute rick fearon, an "apostate" near boston massachusetts usa who more than 17 years ago started the sixscreens telenetwork on youtube.
you can find it here: https://www (dot) youtube (dot) com/ (at) araretreat/streams.. like our benevolent host simon green here at jehovahs-witness.com, rick has not done his great work for his own financial enrichment or to collect followers for himself, as some xjw grifters have done and continue to do.. saturdays and sundays are the busy days at six screens, with call-in programs like:.
* jw world news.
38 men knew!
Salena and her sister calls in! 10:30 pm est ish
old enough to burn rubber?
"from 1969 to 1977, the organization produced more than 350 recorded radio programs in the series all scripture is beneficial.
Not too many cars had 450 HP back in the 60's.
Did Bethel library actually have a subscription to Motortrend?
'The 454ci big-block was available in two flavors: a 360-hp LS5, and the solid-lifter, cowl-inducted, 11:1-compression, 450-hp LS6. At the time, this was the most horsepower ever offered in a production car (just 4,475 LS6-powered SS454 Chevelles were produced in 1970)'
old enough to burn rubber?
"from 1969 to 1977, the organization produced more than 350 recorded radio programs in the series all scripture is beneficial.
old enough to burn rubber?
"from 1969 to 1977, the organization produced more than 350 recorded radio programs in the series all scripture is beneficial.
my mom sent me this..... important fyi... a lot to digest, but well worth the read.... .
----- original message -----.
Try searching our site for what you are looking for.' 🧐
So my question to you is: If the medicine in our country is so highly advanced and there is plenty of evidence connecting vaccines to food allergies, why are we being told that
"Scientists don't know why the incidence of food allergy is increasing."
i want to take a moment to salute rick fearon, an "apostate" near boston massachusetts usa who more than 17 years ago started the sixscreens telenetwork on youtube.
you can find it here: https://www (dot) youtube (dot) com/ (at) araretreat/streams.. like our benevolent host simon green here at jehovahs-witness.com, rick has not done his great work for his own financial enrichment or to collect followers for himself, as some xjw grifters have done and continue to do.. saturdays and sundays are the busy days at six screens, with call-in programs like:.
* jw world news.
I can't believe actual credible activists like Barbara Anderson would ever be seen with this CLOWN, much less be interviewed by him. But she did! ( (#$@!%) Barbara?)
Six Screens needs to immediately stop airing Watchtower scandals so the organization's worldwide growth can continue.
michael jackson defender files sex abuse claim.
by alan duke, cnnupdated 10:00 pm edt, wed may 8, 2013 the death in 2009 of superstar michael jackson, who died of cardiac arrest at the age of 50, sent shockwaves around the world.
'Robson, now a 40-year-old choreographer, met Jackson when he was 5 years old. He went on to appear in three Jackson music videos.
His lawsuit alleged that Jackson molested him over a seven-year period.
Safechuck, now 45, said in his suit that he was 9 when he met Jackson while filming a Pepsi commercial. He said Jackson called him often and lavished him with gifts before moving on to sexually abusing him.'